PhD student @ AIMM, EPFL under Prof. Charlotte Bunne
Bachelor's + Master's @ IIT Bombay, Institue Silver Medalist
Exchange student @ EPFL, Switzerland in Computer Science for Autumn 2022-23
Eeshaan Jain
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I have a keen interest in applications of machine learning to life sciences, especially multi-scale representation learning and drug discovery along with geometric deep learning. Previously, I have worked on optimization, graph neural networks, graph retrieval, and fair learning under Prof. Abir De and Prof. Soumen Charkabarti at IIT Bombay. I have also worked with Google Research for a year, and with AWL, Inc. and Sony, Japan.
I have acted as a Teaching Assistant in the following courses:
- CS 119: Information, calculation, communication (300+ students) [EPFL]
- CS 419M (Introduction to Machine Learning) (100+ students) [IIT Bombay]
- CS 768 (Learning with Graphs) (50+ students) [IIT Bombay]
- CS 769 (Optimization for Machine Learning: 100+ students) [IIT Bombay]
- MA 207 (Partial Differential Equations: 200+ students) [IIT Bombay]
- MA 108 (Ordinary Differential Equations: 400+ students) [IIT Bombay]
- CH 107 (Quantum Chemistry: 400+ students) [IIT Bombay]
I have received scholarships and grants from:
- Broad School of MIT and Harvard for ICLR 2025
- NeurIPS Travel Grant for NeurIPS 2023
- Google Research (Google Conference Scholarship)
- IIT Bombay (Institute Academic Prize)
- Govt. of India (Institute Silver Medal)
- Heyning-Roelli Foundation (Semeseter Exchange Scholarship)

- My first-author work, Clique Number Estimation via Differentiable Functions of Adjacency Matrix Permutations has been accepted to ICLR 2025 🎉!
- I am co-organizing Learning Meaningful Representations of Life (LMRL) Workshop @ ICLR 2025 this year!
- Two first-author Extended Abstracts (EA): Graph Edit Distance Evaluation Datasets: Pitfalls and Mitigation, and Graph Edit Distance with General Cost using Neural Set Divergence have been accepted at Learning on Graphs 2024!
- Awarded the Institute Silver Medal by IIT Bombay & Govt. Of India for the highest GPA in the department!
- My first-author work, Graph Edit Distance with General Costs Using Neural Set Divergence has been accepted to NeurIPS 2024 🎉!
- I have started my PhD under Prof. Charlotte Bunne in the AI in Molecular Medicine (AIMM) lab at EPFL!
- Won the Best Poster Award at Eastern European Machine Learning Summer School in Novi Sad, Serbia by Google DeepMind!
- Won the Kinase Selectivity Hackathon challenge held at Machine Learning for Drug Discovery Summer School! by Valence Labs
- My work at NeurIPS 2023 was awarded with the Google Conference Scholarship and the NeurIPS travel award!
- My work at IIT Bombay as the first author, Efficient Data Subset Selection to Generalize Training Across Models: Transductive and Inductive Networks, in collaboration with Google AI and UT Dallas has been accepted at NeurIPS 2023!
- Started a research internship at Aalto University (Finland) under Prof. Vikas Garg in Geometric Learning
- Received the Institute Academic Prize for outstanding academic performance twice: 2021,2022
- Going to EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (#14 in QS Ranking) for a semester exchange, in the department of Computer Science